Sunday, 3 February 2008

Finishing Touches

After weeks of organisation, boxing up and bubble wrapping almost everything we own we're finally done. Hurrah! It's been a real slog, but everyone who's done a trip like this says the two weeks leading up to going are a real nightmare, the worst part, but so so worth it. I hope so!

Things are becoming very real now. We both had our final day at work on Friday, then worked like dogs all day yesterday to pack up and clean our flat, do all the last bits of boxing up, and transport it to our storage unit (picture for evidence!), arriving at Ash's parents house late last night. One too many 'thank God we've finished' late night drinks has led to the need for nurofen this morning.

Bi has just left to take the van back to the rental place, and to spend time with her UK family for the last 48hrs before we leave. It was very amusing seeing her little head appearing only just above the steering wheel as she drove away!

Next stop, Heathrow airport on Tuesday night!

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